
How To Treat Dry Itchy Cracked Skin

Treatment for dry, itchy pare varies, depends on cause of itchiness

Woman applies anti-itch cream on legs.

Treatment for dry, itchy skin varies, depends on crusade of itchiness

Dry out, itchy peel is no fun. In fact, it's irritating. You itch. You scratch. The cycle repeats itself. Y'all long for relief.

Most cases are mild and go away — with or without handling. Only when it persists for more a couple of weeks, should yous exist concerned? If it's keeping you up at night, should you become it checked?

The answer is yep. Fortunately, your doctor can help you place the problem and provide you with any necessary treatment to bring you relief. Handling for dry, crawling pare varies. It depends on the cause.

What causes itchy peel?

"Itchy skin tin result from a wide variety of atmospheric condition," says Reza Jacob, Medico, a dermatologist at Scripps Clinic Liberty Station.

"It could exist due to something as simple as dry skin, which is common," he says. "It could be a symptom of a skin affliction, such every bit psoriasis or dermatitis. It could also exist the issue of an allergic reaction. It could even be a side effect to medication y'all might be taking."

Your primary or family doc tin can help you get to the root of the trouble. They would inquire you about your symptoms and examine your skin. They would refer y'all to a dermatologist or skin specialist if necessary.

"It's always best to check with your doctor if yous have concerns. Near causes of dry out, itchy skin accept specific treatments that your md can aid you with," Dr. Jacob says.

Dry skin

Many pare conditions cause itching. Dry skin is one of the nigh common. It is also 1 of the easiest to address. It is marked by scaling, itching and cracking, usually in the easily, arms and legs.

Dry peel occurs for a variety of environmental reasons. It is more mutual during fall and winter months when humidity levels are relatively low.

Dry skin occurs also for a diverseness of internal reasons. Older adults are more prone to develop dry peel. Every bit we age, our pare gets thinner and drier. Frequent bathing or showering with hot water or frequent hot tub use also raises the risk of dry pare.

What are common treatments for dry pare?

The nigh mutual way to salve dry skin is by using moisturizers, which come up in the form of creams and lotions. They help restore moistness into the pare. Thicker moisturizers tend to be more constructive for dry out itchy, peel.

"A moisturizer might be all you need to relieve itching. If a moisturizer does not help enough, yous can attempt an anti-crawling cream or ointment," Dr. Jacob says.

 Domicile remedies tin can assistance address dry, itchy sensitive peel and restore moisture, including:

  • Avert bathing or showering in hot water; utilise warm water
  • Go on bathing or showering to 10 minutes or less
  • Use a moisturizing lather
  • Apply moisturizer right after bathing or showering
  • Pat, not rub, moisture peel dry out with a soft towel
  • Avoid scratching dry out skin patches
  • Employ a humidifier at home in your sleeping room

 What is dermatitis?

In some cases, dry, itchy skin can be a sign of dermatitis, which is treated with medication.

Atopic dermatitis is the most common form of this skin affliction. It is often referred to as eczema. Eczema also refers to a group of weather condition that crusade the skin to become red, inflamed and itchy.

Atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis often runs in families with a history of eczema, asthma or hay fever. It usually occurs in infancy or early on childhood, but information technology can besides strike adults. Nearly oftentimes information technology affects the confront, neck, hands, feet, inner elbows and back of knees.

Flare ups occur when the immune organization overreacts to an allergen or irritant inside or outside the body.

Contact dermatitis

Contact dermatitis is marked by a red, pare rash. It happens when the pare touches something that irritates it or causes an allergic reaction. The most mutual types are irritant contact dermatitis and allergic contact dermatitis.

Common triggers for allergic contact dermatitis include metals, such equally nickel in costume jewelry, fragrances, rubber or latex ingredients.

Common triggers for irritant contact dermatitis include laundry detergents, soaps, anti-acne creams or anti-aging creams, cleaners and chemicals.

Treatments for dermatitis (eczema)

Treatment for eczema may include over-the-counter remedies, prescription topical medications, including corticosteroids, light therapy, immunosuppressants and biologic drugs.

 According to the National Eczema Association, managing flares should include:

  • Knowing your triggers so you can avoid them
  • Implementing a daily bathing and moisturizing routine
  • Using over-the-counter topical ointments and prescription medications consistently and as directed

What is psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition that causes cherry, scaly and often itchy patches on the peel. The immune organisation and genetics play major roles development of psoriasis. It occurs when an overactive allowed organisation targets good for you pare cells, causing a buildup of lesions.

Plaque psoriasis is the most common type. It appears every bit raised, scaly patches of inflamed pare. Triggers include infections, stress, dry weather conditions, certain medications, cuts, scratches and sunburns.

Treatments include topical creams, light therapy (as well known equally phototherapy), and oral and injectable medications, including biologics. Handling tin also include complementary and alternative approaches, such as supplements or probiotics.

When dry, itchy skin is a sign of serious disease

Though much more rare, dry, itchy peel tin can be a symptom of a more serious illness. It can be a sign of liver or kidney disease, diabetes or a problem with your immune system. "If the itch is a symptom of something serious, the all-time approach is to treat that underlying issue," Dr. Jacob says.

Dr. Jacob says dry, itchy pare is usually treatable and not a sign of a serious disease. "Simply, if the itch lasts for more than a couple of weeks, pay detect. If it becomes your principal focus or affects a large area of your body, see your medico."


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