
What Does Skin Cancer Spots Look Like

Skin Cancer Pictures

What Does Pare Cancer Look Like?

Pare cancer can happen to anyone, at whatever historic period, on any role of the body. And because skin cancers appear in many shapes and sizes, they can be challenging to identify. While peel cancer pictures tin can exist helpful in learning what pare cancer tin look similar, getting to know your own skin and understanding what to look for tin can aid you lot find cancer early when information technology's easiest to cure.

That'south why yous should examine your pare once a month. If you lot come across something NEW, CHANGING OR UNUSUAL – even if it looks nothing similar what you see in photos – practice not look! Get information technology checked past a dermatologist right away. Finding and treating skin cancer early on tin save your life.

Peel Cancer Image Gallery

Below is a choice of photos that give you a general idea about what peel cancers tin await similar. Remember that skin cancers can look quite different from one person to some other due to skin tone, size and blazon of skin cancer and location on the trunk. Pare cancer can be tricky in other means, besides. For example, melanoma is a blazon of skin cancer that is often pigmented tan, brown, black, even blue. But amelanotic melanoma lacks paint and appears as a skin-tone or pink lesion.

To sum information technology upwards, while photos tin can exist helpful, getting your peel examined by a dermatologist is the near vital step in identifying and treating skin cancer.

  • Basal Cell Carcinoma Photos
  • Squamous Cell Carcinoma Photos
  • Melanoma Photos
  • Merkel Cell Carcinoma Photos
  • Actinic Keratosis
  • Rare Skin Cancers

Basal Jail cell Carcinoma (BCC) Photos

an open sore on the skin basal cell carcinoma

An open sore that does not heal

basal cell carcinoma bcc

An open sore that bleeds, oozes, or crusts and remains open for a few weeks, only to heal up then bleed again.

picture basal cell carcinoma on man's left eyebrow

A reddish patch or irritated area

picture shiny bump on woman's face

A shiny bump or nodule

picture white scar man forehead basal cell carcinoma

White, yellow or waxy scar

A basal cell carcinoma may be pigmented, like this one, on skin of color.

A basal cell carcinoma may be pigmented on skin of color. Photo: Andrew Alexis, MD, MPH

BCC on nose of Latino male

BCC on the nose.

pink growth bcc

A pocket-size pink growth with a slightly raised, rolled edge and a crusted indentation in the center

basal cell carcinoma woman's face

A shiny bump or nodule

Pigmented BCC behind the ear

Pigmented BCC behind the ear. Photo: Hugh Gloster, Md

basal cell carcinoma bcc

A scar-like surface area that is white, xanthous or waxy, and often has poorly defined borders

Pigmented BCC

Pigmented BCC. Photograph credit: Hugh Gloster, Physician

BCC on the nose of an Asian man

BCC on the nose. Photo: Hugh Gloster, Md

basal cell carcinoma bcc

A pink growth

basal cell carcinoma lower eyelid lash line

A subtle pearly lesion in the heart of the lower eyelid's lash line is a BCC.

For information on basal cell carcinoma signs and symptoms, visit our BCC Warning Signs page.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) Images

Squamous cell carcinoma scaly patch

A persistent, scaly red patch with irregular borders that sometimes crusts or bleeds.

squamous cell carcinoma on lip

An elevated growth with a fundamental depression that occasionally bleeds. It may rapidly increase in size.

Une plaie ouverte qui saigne, forme des croûtes et persiste depuis plusieurs semaines.

An open sore that bleeds and crusts and persists for weeks.

crusty spot eye squamous cell carcinoma

This crusty spot near the center was diagnosed as a squamous cell carcinoma (SCC).

wart-like growth squamous cell carcinoma on ear

A wart-similar growth that crusts and occasionally bleeds.

cutaneous horn squamous cell carcinoma lower eyelid

This horn-shaped growth on the lower eyelid, known equally a cutaneous horn, is an SCC.

Picture open sore man left ear

An open up sore that bleeds or crusts and persists for weeks.

Patch on man hand squamous cell carcinoma

A persistent, scaly red patch with irregular borders that sometimes crusts or bleeds.

squamous cell carcinoma on the scalp of a Black man

Squamous prison cell carcinoma on the scalp. Photo: Hugh Gloster, MD

For information on squamous cell carcinoma signs and symptoms, visit our SCC Warning Signs folio.

Melanoma Photos

Picture of mole with asymmetry, melanoma warning sign

Asymmetrical melanoma

Picture mole with irregular border

The borders of an early melanoma tend to be uneven. The edges may be scalloped or notched.

melanoma picture mole unconventional color

Having a mole with a diverseness of colors is a melanoma alert sign

picture uncommon large mole

Melanomas usually are larger in diameter but may be smaller when kickoff detected

stage 1a melanoma

Stage IA melanoma

subungal melanoma

Subungual melanoma under the nail
evolving melanoma
Melanoma evolved and grew outward, upward and inwards in a matter of months.

acral lentiginous melanoma

Acral lentiginous melanoma

Nodular melanoma 1.3mm on upper back

Nodular melanoma 1.3mm on upper dorsum. Photograph: Elizabeth K. Hale, MD

Superficial melanoma 0.55mm Upper Arm

Superficial melanoma 0.55mm on upper arm. Photo: Elizabeth Chiliad. Hale, MD

An example of a flat, amelanotic, superficial spreading melanoma on the leg.

Amelanotic melanomas may be pink-looking, crimson, purple, normal skin colour or substantially clear and colorless
acral lentiginous melanoma
Acral lentiginous melanoma

A nodular melanoma developing within an amelanotic melanoma in situ on the scalp.

Amelanotic melanoma

Merkel Cell Carcinoma (MCC) Pictures

Picture merkel cell carcinoma on woman's left eyelid

Merkel cell carcinoma on adult female's left eyelid. Photos: Paul Nghiem, Md, PhD

merkel cell carcinoma on arm

Merkel cell carcinoma on the arm

Merkel cell carcinomas

Merkel prison cell carcinoma on forehead and arm

merkel cell carcinoma on the lower leg

Merkel cell carcinoma on the lower leg

Merkel cell carcinoma

Bump on leg that turned out to be Merkel cell carcinoma

For information on Merkel prison cell carcinoma signs and symptoms, visit our MCC Warning Signs folio.

Actinic Keratosis

Actinic keratosis (also known as solar keratosis) is the most common precancer. For photos and information on actinic keratosis warning signs and symptoms, visit our Actinic Keratosis Warning Signs page.

Rare Peel Cancers

Please visit our Rare pare cancers page for more information and pictures of rare skin cancers such as:

  • Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP)
  • Kaposi's sarcoma
  • Microcystic adnexal carcinoma (MAC)
  • Sebaceous carcinoma
  • Undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma
  • Extramammary Paget's disease (EMPD)

For links to more comprehensive skin cancer data, visit our Skin Cancer 101 page.


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